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Hello, from Buri Resort and Spa!

Hello darlings! Wish you all have a great day and a time-of-your-life moment, greeting from me and Buri Resort and Spa! Everything is possible, just ask and pray for it! Yeah, most of the times it works for me you just have to be patient as everything happens in God’s perfect timing. Since yesterday, fellow bloggers and I are here in Buri Resort and Spa, Puerto Galera for us to experience the other side of the place, it is tranquil, relax and a place that can rejuvenate your soul and spirit which is in contrary of what we heard (as what my friends says and what I experienced 5 years ago) that Puerto Galera was crowded, a venue for party goers.   

Meanwhile, here's an OOTD from our spacious veranda.

Buri Resort & Spa, Fashion, OOTD, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Travel, MIMAROPA, Travel, Luzon, where to stay in Puerto Galera,
Buri Resort & Spa, Fashion, OOTD, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Travel, MIMAROPA, Travel, Luzon, where to stay in Puerto Galera,
Buri Resort & Spa, Fashion, OOTD, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Travel, MIMAROPA, Travel, Luzon, where to stay in Puerto Galera,
Buri Resort & Spa, Fashion, OOTD, Oriental Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Travel, MIMAROPA, Travel, Luzon, where to stay in Puerto Galera,
Wearing: Giordano Maxi Dress, Ipanema flipflops, Swatch watch

Buri Resort and Spa is a place where I would love waking up to - birds chirping, green sorroundings, beach view at your veranda, palm trees, coconut trees, buri trees (which the name of the resort came from) and the air you breathe is unpolluted. What a wonderful world, yeah right!

Detailed story and information will be posted soon, stay tuned!
Hugs & Kisses,
Aylin || Facebook || Twitter || Instagram


  1. This sounds amazing and wonderful. I so hope I will be able to visit there one day. Thanks for sharing and I do believe we all need this at some point.

  2. Oh how I could use a vacation right now! This looks and sounds absolutely beautiful and relaxing.

  3. OMG, What a tranquil and wonder place, cannot wait to see your updated post. Have fun and enjoy your time at Buri!

    1. Hopefully, this week! I couldn't wait to share my experience on such awesome place!

  4. This is the kind of place I need to get away! I love how relaxed and tranquil it looks. I could sit outside for hours just enjoying the nature around me.

  5. What an amazing Spa! I would love to go to a place like this. Can't wait to read your follow up!

    1. Thank you! Follow-up blog post to be posted this week. :)

  6. What a serene resort. I would love waking up there tomorrow. Great pics!

  7. I'm not a spa fan, but the getting away from it sounds lovely.

  8. What a dream! How beautiful and relaxing!

  9. Wow this is a fab place so would love to go .

    1. Yah, and experience it! Time to pamper yourself. :) For the meantime, please visit

  10. Wearing a maxi dress in relaxing and lazy days like this is totally comforting. It's simple yet glamorous.

    1. Yah, it's my fave whenever I travel. Comfy and yet in style.

  11. Sounds like a beautiful place to stay. I would go unplugged and enjoy the relaxation and the gorgeous views and not want to leave!

    1. Yah it is! Actually, I'm having a separation anxiety right now. :(

  12. What a gorgeous place to stay at! Love it <3

  13. I know you had another fun day in Paradise looking forward to reading your blog posts soon about your quick getaway.

    1. Yah, absolutely! I would love to go there soon, with friends!

  14. Wow, it looks amazing! I may have to add that to my list of places to stay!

  15. I could use a vacation right now. That looks amazingly quiet and relaxing.

  16. Sounds like a perfect place to go for a vacation. I could really use one right now haha. :)


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