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A Cultural Day in Bandung: Visiting KAA Museum and Saung Angklung Udjo

Bandung, often referred to as the "Paris of Java," is a city rich in cultural heritage and vibrant traditions. Recently, I had the chance to explore this fascinating city thru a Familiarization Tour organized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Manila, Philippines, and the two highlights of our trip in Bandung were the KAA Museum and Saung Angklung Udjo. Here’s a recount of our cultural day in Bandung, capturing the essence of these remarkable sites.


Our day in Bandung began with a visit to the KAA Museum, officially known as the Museum of the Asian-African Conference. Situated in the heart of Bandung, this museum is a treasure trove of historical artifacts and stories that commemorate the first large-scale Asian-African or Afro-Asian Conference held in 1955. This conference was a significant event where leaders from 29 countries, including the Philippines, gathered to discuss and promote economic and cultural cooperation and oppose colonialism.

The Entrance and Atmosphere

As we approached the museum, the grandeur of the building caught my eyes. Its colonial-style architecture stood as a testament to the era it represented. The entrance was adorned with flags of various nations that participated in the conference, setting a patriotic and international tone right from the start.

Inside, the atmosphere was solemn yet inviting. The museum was impeccably maintained, and the staff welcomed us warmly, providing a brief overview of what to expect. The first thing that struck me was the sense of stepping back in time, as the museum had preserved the ambiance of the 1950s beautifully.

The Exhibits

We started our tour in the Hall of the Plenary Sessions, where the original conference took place. Walking through this hall, I could almost hear the echoes of passionate speeches and debates that shaped modern Asian and African geopolitics. The hall featured a collection of photographs, documents, and personal belongings of the delegates. We spent a good amount of time here, absorbing the historical significance and the spirit of solidarity that the conference represented.

One exhibit that particularly fascinated us was the interactive display of the Bandung Declaration. This declaration was a pivotal document that laid down ten principles for international relations and cooperation. Through touchscreens, we could delve deeper into the backstories of each principle and the leaders who championed them.

Personal Touches and Reflections

One of the highlights was a section dedicated to personal stories and memorabilia from the conference attendees. From handwritten notes to traditional attire worn during the conference, these personal touches brought the historical event to life. My friends and I took turns sharing our thoughts on how these principles are still relevant today, sparking some engaging conversations.

We were particularly proud to see the contributions of Filipino leaders who played a significant role in the conference. It was a proud moment to see our country’s history intertwined with such a significant event in global history.

As we exited the museum, we couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of appreciation for the historical ties that bind Asia and Africa. It was a profound start to our day, setting the tone for our cultural exploration.

A Cultural Day in Bandung: Visiting KAA Museum and Saung Angklung Udjo
inside KAA Museum


After a hearty lunch at a nearby restaurant - Braga Art Café and a quick bus tour, we made our way to Saung Angklung Udjo, a cultural center dedicated to preserving and promoting the traditional Sundanese musical instrument, the angklung. This bamboo instrument is an integral part of West Java’s cultural heritage, and Saung Angklung Udjo is renowned for its vibrant performances and interactive workshops. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by the melodious sounds of angklungs being played by children. The center had a lively and welcoming atmosphere, with colorful decorations and smiling faces all around.

The Performance

The highlight of our visit was undoubtedly the angklung performance. It began with a traditional Sundanese dance, showcasing the grace and elegance of the local culture. The dancers, dressed in vibrant costumes, moved with such fluidity that we were instantly captivated.

Following the dance, the angklung orchestra took the stage. The performance was a delightful blend of traditional and contemporary music, played entirely on angklungs. It was mesmerizing to see how this simple bamboo instrument could produce such a wide range of melodies. The performers, a mix of children and adults, played with such enthusiasm and skill that it was impossible not to be swept up in the music.

One of the most memorable parts of the performance was when the audience was invited to participate. Each of us was given an angklung and taught how to play a few notes. The conductor then guided us through a simple song, creating a beautiful harmony that filled the room. It was a fun and interactive experience that made us feel like a part of the local culture.

A Cultural Day in Bandung: Visiting KAA Museum and Saung Angklung Udjo
Saung Angklung Udjo


As the day came to an end, we gathered at the café within the center to share our experiences over a sumptuous dishes that we feasted at Tjendana Bistro. We reflected on the rich cultural heritage we had witnessed and the warmth of the people who had shared their traditions with us.

Visiting Saung Angklung Udjo was a highlight of our trip to Bandung. It was not just a cultural experience but also a personal one, as we connected with the local community and their traditions in a meaningful way.

Our cultural day in Bandung, exploring the KAA Museum and Saung Angklung Udjo, was a perfect blend of history and tradition. The KAA Museum gave us a profound insight into the historical ties between Asia and Africa, while Saung Angklung Udjo immersed us in the vibrant cultural heritage of West Java.

If you ever find yourself in Bandung, I highly recommend dedicating a day to these cultural gems. It’s a journey through history and tradition that you won’t soon forget.

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